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Jan has travelled almost half of the world and found his happiness in Slovenia, where he has been working as a social entrepreneur for almost two decades—at first unconsciously, but in recent years, very consciously and with dedication. As a result, he became the director of the first accelerator for social and impact businesses in Slovenia, Impact Hub Ljubljana.

Jan loves to talk, and even more so, he loves to share his life and business wisdom, so don’t hesitate to tap him on the shoulder and ask him a question. His strengths lie in non-governmental and non-profit organisations, health, communication, advocacy, and sustainable development.

Ana’s studies, work, and hobbies have already taken her to Germany, France, and even Dubai, but she has settled in Ljubljana in recent years. After a decade in a more corporate world, she returned to the environment where she had already been involved during her studies, when she was an active volunteer in one of the founding organisations of Impact Hub Ljubljana.

She is eager to share her knowledge and experience to support social and impact entrepreneurs. She can be easily bribed with coffee and/or chocolate, although she will also be happy to help you with questions about organisation, sales, and strategy development without expecting anything in return.

Nassim Djaba is a PhD student at the Faculty of Tourism Studies, University of Primorska, with a focus on researching the social responsibility of tourism companies.

After completing his master’s degree, he was active in the Slovenian Youth Council as Vice President for Sustainable Development. He also became a member of the Global Shapers Community Ljubljana. Currently, he holds the positions of President of the Youth Association No Excuse Slovenia, Deputy Director of the Slovenian Youth Agency, and Deputy Director of Impact Hub Ljubljana.

Nassim is a true ambassador of Impact Hub Ljubljana, where he prioritises the community’s well-being and ensures the proper organisation of the space. He is also a valuable source of ideas, making him an ideal collaborator for brainstorming sessions if you ever find yourself in a creative rut.

Nuša’s love for foreign languages has led her from Ljubljana to Luxembourg and Nottingham, where she completed her translation studies. She eventually discovered her passion for wielding the digital pen and creating online content. Within the team, she attends to all communication-related details, plans social media activities, and handles marketing.

She is available to answer any questions you may have regarding potential collaborations, your own stories to share with the community, and other ideas for Impact Hub Ljubljana. She will also gladly help you with any linguistic issues you may encounter on your journey. 😉

Tomaž’s knowledge of geography and understanding of natural and social environments have taken him to various parts of our planet. Within the team, he is responsible for projects and content related to corporate social and environmental responsibility and sustainable development.

Tomaž is the right person to approach for networking and collaboration ideas in the field of environmental problem-solving and promoting sustainable development within Impact Hub Ljubljana. He is happy to help with content-related questions on how to improve your product from an environmental and health perspective, as well as the broader concept of sustainable development.

Nina has always believed in standing up for others and speaking on behalf of those who do not have the power to do so.

It is no coincidence that her career path led her to law school and later to the non-governmental sector, where she became an active advocate for the youth.

As the long-standing director of the Institute for Youth Policy and as the head of the Youth-Friendly Municipality programme, she has helped shape numerous local communities and strategies for young people.

Today, she shapes society as the acting director of one of the founding organisations of Impact Hub Ljubljana and will be happy to help you on your entrepreneurial journey as well.