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Poslovna uspešnost in priložnosti v tujini

Impact Hub Ljubljana Slovenska 56, Ljubljana

Pridružite se nam na druženju z Davidom Rakarjem, vodjo programa Erasmus za mlade podjetnike pri Tehnološkem parku Ljubljana. David je podjetniški mentor in coach, ki se ponaša z več kot […]


10 Tips What (Not) to Do When Fundraising

Impact Hub Ljubljana Slovenska 56, Ljubljana

Join us for a workshop geared towards providing a clear understanding of fundraising essentials, with an emphasis on startups. 🚀 The workshop will be presented by Fred Fous from PurposeTech. Over the past 15+ years, Fred has co-founded 6 companies, showcasing his experience in the field. PurposeTech is a pre-seed fund co-founded by Fred and […]


Aljoša Bagola: Kako biti v redu?

Impact Hub Ljubljana Slovenska 56, Ljubljana

Predavanje Kako biti v redu, zasnovano po avtorski formuli IEI® (Inform, Entertain, Inspire), se osredotoča na pravočasno prepoznavanje pogostih izzivov sodobnega življenja, kot so izčrpanost, nezadovoljstvo, slabi odnosi, neustvarjalnost, neučinkovitost in […]


Impact Investment & Slovenian Start-up Success Stories

Impact Hub Ljubljana Slovenska 56, Ljubljana

Impact investing is an exciting and rapidly growing industry powered by investors determined to generate environmental, social, and governance impact on top of the financial returns. Join us for a session with Feelsgood Capital, the region's first and most prominent start-up social impact investment fund, designed for investors, entrepreneurs, and all those interested in leveraging […]
